With exclusive deals, book your flight with Business Flights Expert and save up to 60%. Visit the Colosseum in Vatican City to learn about history. Indulge in food and head to classic locations such as the Trevi Fountain.
Exclusive Deals.
Privately negotiated airfares from over 50 airlines with discounts of up to 60%
Last minute bookings.
Book your trip stress free even a few hours before boarding. Any international destination on any airline at the lowest fares.
Complex itineraries.
Simple solutions for complex and personalized itineraries tailored to your travel needs.
Mixed cabin and multi-airline combinations.
10+ years of experience.
Over 40 travel advisors with over 10 years experience in the travel industry. Real people instead of search engines.
24/7 live support.
24/7 assistance available from anywhere in the world at any stage of your trip.
Covid-19 Advice.
Latest travel updates delivered to you by your personal travel advisor.
Over 40 highly skilled travel advisors with over 10 years experience in the industry.
With Business Flights Expert, you get your own dedicated travel advisor, that will take care of all your travel needs and grant you access to the best value business and first class offers tailored to your smallest request.